Dear Families
With the Twilight Easter Market just a fortnight away (Friday April 1 from 3:30 pm) the planning and organisation behind the scenes has continued at a frenetic pace. Donations of chocolate, lucky jars, and drinks continue to roll in and we are very grateful for the generosity of our community. Thank you.
On the day of the market, we will run a slightly different schedule during the day with recess and lunch breaks taken at different times so that we can ensure a smooth set up for all stall holders. Students will also be encouraged to wear casual clothes so that they can transition straight from ‘school learning’ mode and into ‘twilight market’ mode.
Please keep an eye out for further market updates over the next week or two.
On Friday 18 March we recognised National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The theme this year is creating a ‘Kindness Culture’. To raise awareness and spark conversation we incorporated kindness activities into our wellbeing sessions and displayed them in classrooms throughout the school
Students, buddies and staff all helped thread to make orange friendship bracelets as a reminder of the importance of kindness and to support this National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence.
In this installment of our Literacy Instruction updates…..
Vocabulary Development
Vocabulary refers to the words children need to know to understand what they hear and read, and to communicate.
Vocabulary is the most powerful predictor of reading comprehension. Knowing what words mean is essential if your child is to understand what they have read.
When it comes to vocabulary acquisition, the early years are critical. There is evidence that improving vocabulary before age six is very highly associated with literacy success in late primary school and even into mid secondary school.
Adults play a significant role in the development of a child’s vocabulary. Through everyday conversation and by reading to children, parents and caregivers can introduce a variety of new words. Children learn new words when they: hear a word repeatedly; hear words spoken by the important people in their lives; and hear words in a meaningful context.
The attached PDF offers some tips and activities to help develop vocabulary at home and comes from the fabulous fivefromfive team https://fivefromfive.com.au/parent-resources/
FIVE-from-FIVE resources vocabulary
Breakfast Club
We are seeing large numbers of students attending breakfast club each morning from 8:15 – 8:45, which is wonderful to see. Students, staff and our parent helpers really enjoy this time together and help the atmosphere in the STEM centre during breakfast time helps make the start of the day a very positive one.
If you would like to join the volunteer list and assist with this important piece of the wellbeing puzzle, please give us a call at school and we can add you to our expanding volunteer list. Every extra pair of hands is invaluable and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy seeing the smiles on our students’ faces and the gratitude they have for the program.
Kind regards,
James Whitla